December 30th, 202493976
In this tutorial, I will show you how to create form wizard and validation in jQuery, its a simple snippet created with Bootstrap and jquery to make a simple long from in steps to improve data collection process and beautify webpage....
December 30th, 202425852I have found a good mobile based swipe tab here and really loved it so now I am sharing it with you. Its very simple and very useful tutorial you can use these tabs in your mobile based website or hybrid mobile apps.
index.html file contain all the tabs scripting:
<div class="swipegory">
December 30th, 2024814087
In this tutorial I will show you how to compress images before upload to server, usually we don't compress images and upload them directly to server and then compress them in this tutorial you will learn how to compress images on client side and when user upload it will take less time (if slow internet) and space on server.
December 30th, 202422269
Full-stack development is a dream job for all the developers who hold an interest in the latest innovation. It takes a lot of efforts to be a full stack developer. If you are dreaming of becoming a software developer, you must have strong programming skills, and you should be aware of the latest technology trends.
Well, some of us...
December 30th, 2024122308
I received a tutorial requests from my reader that asked to me how to implement a payment gateway system with PayPal API. In this tutorial I want to explain how to work with Paypal Sandbox test accounts for payment system development and sending arguments while click buy now button. It’s simple and very easy to integrate into your...
December 30th, 202421629
Show image before the upload is a requirement of every web application to give good user experience. We published a tutorial that doesn't work in all browsers so; now I am going to give you this tutorial it will work on every browser which supports HTML5 File API and JavaScript check compatibility of API here. I hope you like...
December 30th, 202441253This tutorial will show you how to add a static video background using CSS. It's a straightforward and easy script and looks fantastic on landing pages. In this tutorial, we are using HTML5 <video> tag to embed video and CSS to put that video on background.
December 30th, 202484595This script work like Youtube like and dislike system for videos. This script works perfectly on your website. You can pass URL's or integrate with ids you can check its Demo here. Its a PHP, MySQL, and jQuery based script.
December 30th, 2024222352
How to create a full-screen responsive image gallery using CSS and Masonry ( is a JavaScript grid layout library ), Masonry gallery is a popular grid layout that uses optimal space to place images without the need to crop your pictures. We are giving you this tutorial with a nice demo and source to download for free....