November 21st, 20240780PHP, a server-side language for programming, has been around since 1995. Developers today tend to have strong opinions about PHP. PHP's status in the world of...
November 21st, 2024510287We'll show you how to drag-and-drop multiple file uploads using Ajax, jQuery, and PHP.
It's a widely-used functionality in web applications. When working on a website...
November 20th, 202421785Are customers being asked to provide their country and any other location-related data on your website? If so, you can use a geolocation API to automatically get...
November 20th, 202404228Subdomains are typically the portion of the URL that comes before the main part of the domain name. Dynamic Subdomains like and Google Blogger have been on...
November 20th, 2024623403
Stripe is one of the most popular payment gateway and very easy to integrate in PHP, In this tutorial I will show you how to integrate stripe payment gateway using...
November 20th, 202446210A REST API is a type of API that makes it easier for developers to build and maintain APIs. These APIs are often used to create web applications, but they can also be...
November 19th, 202415961DataTables is a library of jQuery that displays the list records in an HTML table using an intuitive interface. It offers features such as search, pagination, and...
November 19th, 2024314905You can save text/image data to PDF (Portable Doc Format) files for offline use. A PDF file can be used to display text/graphics content online. A web viewer can be used...
November 19th, 20242231Tips and tricks will help you increase your concentration.
It's crucial to be focused and stay clear of distractions, other distractions... You know all that, so we'll...